Steam cleaner with suction

Two powerful functions in one steam generator

Steam cleaner with suction: this is the new way of washing and sanitize! And you will need only one machine: Astra Vortex, the best among the industrial steam generators and the only one which allows you to clean perfectly and in a very little time!

Its mode of operation is simple: the spray wash while the Vortex technology collects the dirt and put it in a special bin which is very easy to clean. The result is a very clean surface even without chemicals or foam, with a very little use of electricity (the steam cleaner works with only 500 Watt).

If you want to get more information about this new steam cleaner with suction, visit our website and let yourself be amazed by a new generation of steam vacuum cleaner!


It is the revolutionary application designed by Idromatic to wash by steam and vacuum the dust. Able to clean deeply with minimum water and power consumption. Addition of chemicals is unnecessary, electric power can be applied by a small battery or a generator of less than 1KW.

The new VORTEX system is based on the Venturi effect, the priciple formulated by the Italian physicist Giovanni Battista Venturi who discovered the suction power of the fluids on a restricted tube. The principle by Venturi has been applied to the steam generator using the centrifugal speed of the steam inside a tunnel.

The result is the ASTRA VORTEX, the only machine that provides a vacuum system created by steam flow effect instead of electricity. All the condensed dust is separated from steam by gravity in the recovery tank. The innovation has been patented by Idromatic srl.

Information request

steam cleaner suction

Idromatic is succesful in the professional cleaning market for the durability and reliability of its products. Since 1975 we have been designing tools to use every day in every conditions and easily repairable. Our goal is to give solutions to the customers and make the cleaning an efficient and profitable activity. ASTRA VORTEX is the result of our long term experience and it is the answer to multiple demands in waterless cleaning.

suction cleaning

via Petrarca Borgoforte, 127
46030 Borgo Virgilio (MN) ITALIA